Import Employee Data

  1. Overview
    • If your organization has more than a handful of employees, it may be easier and faster for you to set up your employee data via the Employee Import feature.
    • Even if your employee headcount is not big, the import feature still makes a great time-saver, as you may save yourself a great deal of time performing bulk update for certain employee information from time to time.
  2. Best Practices
    • Before you start importing, it will help you breeze through the whole import process if you adopt these recommended approaches to importing your Employees.
    • First, try to add a few Employees manually to get a better understanding of the purpose of the data fields.
    • After that, go through this user guide to understand the steps involved and what to expect if error happens.
    • Examine the downloaded Excel template for the data structure provided. There are plenty of useful comments in the template to guide you through the data fields, such as which are the required fields or what possible values are allowed.
    • You may test the import by using the sample data prepared in the Excel template. Just remember to change the relevant fields such as #REPLACE@EMAIL# by using an actual Email. After seeing the result, you may easily delete the imported records.
    • Finally, you may start to prepare your first dataset for the import, but it is strongly recommended that you prepare a small dataset of 5 to 10 records for the first import. You may always import the rest of the data afterwards. Doing so will help you identify the potential problems easily if the import is not completed successfully. You may then examine and correct the invalid data by following the instructions sent to you when your import is processed.
  3. Steps
    1. Go to Employee ❯ Management. Click at the button.
    2. From the Import Employee window, download the Excel template to prepare your Employee data for import.
    3. In the Excel template, only the first sheet named Employee is needed for the preparation of employee data. The Lookup sheet provides lookup data for some of the employee data fields. Fields that could select data from the lookup lists are indicated with underlined field names, e.g. Nationality.
    4. The Excel template comes with some sample data that you may delete once you get an idea of how to fill up the employee data. If you are a new user, you may also import this Employee data in order to populate your account with some sample test data for you to start exploring
    5. Make sure that you fill in all the Required fields accordingly, and you may leave other fields empty if you do not need them.
    6. DO NOT change the name of the first sheet. DO NOT remove or change the order of any column in the first sheet. Start entering your Employee data from the 2nd row.
    7. Fields like Employee ID must be made unique, i.e. you must not repeat the data in this field for each employee. Otherwise you will receive error result like "Duplicate Employee ID is not allowed."
    8. Even though Email field is optional, it is highly recommended that employee's email address is filled up when you are importing the data. The email address will become very handy when you are ready to invite employees to sign up for their Employee Web Accounts.
    9. Fields like Job Position Code and Job Position Title will be used to set up the referenced items, in this case it is Job Position. You may want to set up corresponding Job Position first before importing (via Employer ❯ Job Position), however, you may also create new Job Position on the fly when you are importing. Job Position Code is a required field, while Job Position Title is not. If you are assigning a Job Position Code that has already existed, you may leave the Job Position Title empty. Should you want to create a new Job Position by assigning new Job Position Code, it is highly recommended that you provide the corresponding job title to Job Position Title, otherwise the value for Job Position Code will be used for Job Position Title. This applies to fields like Department Code, Branch Code, Level Code and Bank Code too.
    10. If you need to assign a Line Manager for an employee, you will need to assign the corresponding Line Manager's Employee ID to the employee's Line Manager ID field.
    11. If you want to import Employee data as new records, just leave the Import Action field blank. If somehow you want to update certain existing Employee records (identified by Employee ID), you may set those records' Import Action field to Update. Upon processing your import data, if the records exist, they will be updated with the new data, otherwise errors will be reported.
    12. When you are done, save your data and proceed to the next step in the Import Employee window, then click Excel File to select the XLS file that you prepared just now, and click IMPORT to start the import process.
    13. When your data is processed, the result of the import will be shown. This includes how many Employee records imported and skipped, and the corresponding reasons why certain records are not imported and how to rectify them.
    14. If the Employee data is not imported completely, you may:
      1. Remove successfully imported Employee records from the Excel file.
      2. Double check Invalid Records and correct the errors.
      3. Upload and import the rest of the data after correcting the errors.